Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Powershell training/basics

·         Always run Powershell as Administrator

·         Make sure Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell" is added
If this reference is not added you will get not recognized as cmdlet,function…. Error

This can be resolved by adding Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"


·         Commenting,writing and in .ps1 files

Example : I have a Powershell.ps1

--Start of Script---

#Test.ps1 This is will add comment to Test powershell script

Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"

#This will write to output window
Write-Host This is Test powershell script

#Writing in different colours
Write-Host -f Red I am Red
Write-Host -f Yellow I am Red

#This will make sure the output does not disappear
powershell –noexit

--End of Script--

You can copy paste the script in txt file and save it as Powershell.ps1
On running this the output should look like this

Note : Many times the output window disappears and we fail to read the output, add the following command to retain the output window
powershell –noexit

·         Calling a function

The difference in .Net or other techniques of calling function is that in Powershell you first need to define the function and then you can make a call to function
Also it does not need circular bracket to call the function just the name of function(See example below)

--Start of Script---

#Test.ps1 This is will add comment to Test powershell script

Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"

function MySolution()
                Write-Host -f Yellow "I am in MySolution function"
                #Do something

#This is how you call a function

#This will make sure the output does not disappear
powershell –noexit

--End of Script--

You can copy paste the script in txt file and save it as Powershell.ps1
On running this the output should look like this

·         Accepting inputs and doing something

--Start of Script---

#Test.ps1 This is will add comment to Test powershell script

param (
      [string]$action = "$(Read-Host ' Please specify the operation which you want to carry - [Add] [Retract] [Deploy] [Remove]')"

Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"

function AcceptInput()
if ($action -eq "Add")  {
Write-Host -f Yellow Do something if condition matches       



#This will make sure the output does not disappear
powershell –noexit

--End of Script--

You can copy paste the script in txt file and save it as Powershell.ps1
On running this the output should look like this

Keep watching this space for more advanced scripts,would publish it soon

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